Select discography of Arabo-Andalucian Music CD's
Nûbâ - (Nawba, Nouba) Sana, Cana, Al-Ala, Malouf, Hawzi, Melhun, Chaabi
Registrations from the Cairo conference in 1932
APN 88 - 9-10
Various Arabic Artists Congrès du Caire 1932 Vol.1-2
(Institut du Monde Arabe et Phonotheque National du France)
AAA 006
Various Moroccan Artists Maroc - Musique Classique
(La Musique Classique Marocaine Congrès du Caire 1932)
AAA 094
Mohamed Ben Hassan et Mohamed Cherif - Musique Classique
(La Musique Classique Tunisienne Congrès du Caire 1932
Malouf (Tunisie)AAA 098
Elhadj Elarbi Bensari et Rodwane - Musique Classique
La Musique Classique Algerienne Congrès du Caire 1932
Ecole de Tlemcen "Gharnata" * Other material from the Conference in Cairo 1932 AlgeriaAAA 022
Dahmane Ben Achour
La Nouba Musique Classique Arabo-Andalouse - Ecole d'Alger
AAA 084
Dahmane Ben Achour
La nouba vol. III - Musique Classique Arabo-Andalouse
AAA 074
Mohamed Khaznadji
Musique classique arabo-andalouse : La Nouba vol. II
Esperance CD 2691
Mohamed Khaznadji - Musique Classique Algerienne
Vol 1. Matin de Mariage - Nouba du mode Maya
Esperance CD 2692
Mohamed Khaznadji - Musique Classique Algerienne
Vol 2. Matin de Mariage - Nouba du mode Raml Maya
Esperance CD 2697
Mohamed Khaznadji - Musique Classique Algérienne
Vol 3. Matin de Mariage - Nouba du mode Hsine
Esperance CD 2698
Mohamed Khaznadji - Musique Classique Algérienne
Vol 4. Matin de Mariage - Nouba du mode Rasd Dhil
SonoDisc CD 2693
Mohamed Khaznadji - Musique Classique Algérienne
Vol 5. Matin de Mariage - Nouba du mode M'Djenba
SonoDisc CD 2694
Mohamed Khaznadji - Musique Classique Algérienne ­p;
Vol 6. Matin de Mariage - Nouba du mode Dil
Ocora C 560003
Mohamed Khaznadji Anthologie de la Musique Arabo-Andalouse
Volume 2 - Çana'a d'Alger - Nûba Ghrib
AAA 067
Cheikha Tetma Musique Arabo-Andalouse ecole de Tlemcen :
Cheikha Tetma Artistes Arabes Associés
Ocora C 560004
Amine Mesli et l'ensemble Nassim el andalous Anthologie de la Musique Arabo-Andalouse Volume 3 Gharnatî de Tlemçen - "En hommage à Redouande Bensari"
Ocora C 560002
Hadj Mohamed Tahar Fergani Anthologie de la Musique Arabo-Andalouse
Volume 1 ­p; Mâluf de Constantine ­p; Nûba Maya
AAA 051
Cheik Mohamed El Kourd
Le Malouf Constantinois VOL. I
al sur ALCD 133 [ correct cover not yet scanned!]
Cheïk Raymond Leyris
Concert public de malouf à l'Université Populaire de Constantine (1954) - Volume I
al sur ALCD 134
Cheïk Raymond Leyris
Concert public de malouf à l'Université Populaire de Constantine (1954) - Volume II
al sur ALCD 135[ correct cover not yet scanned!]
Cheïk Raymond Leyris ´
Concert public de malouf à l'Université Populaire de Constantine (1954) - Volume III
AAA 052
Simone Tamar
Le Malouf Constantinois ­p; VOL. II
AAA 077
Simone Tamar
Malouf Constantinois Vol III: Simone Tamar Artistes Arabes Associés
AAA 093
Various Artists Le stikhbar chanté (en algerie)
Les Préludes dans la Musique Arabo-Andalou
AAA 009
Various Algerian Artists
Les Ouvertures de la Nouba classique Arabo-Andalouse " Les Touchias"
AAA 112
Nour-Eddine Saoudi
Nouba Zidane
AAA 063 Various Artists [ correct cover not yet scanned!]
Various North African Artists
Le Piano dans la Musique Arabe
AAA 066 Mustaph Skandrani [ Tracklisting not yet supplied!]
Les Virtuoses
Piano dans la Musique Arabe
AAA 062
Varios North African Artists
La Musique Judeo-Arabe Vol. I - Algerie - Maroc
AAA 007
Various North African Artists
A La Decoverte des instruments
de la musique Classique Maghrebienne
ALCD 196 [ Tracklisting not yet supplied!]
Avempace, avec Fayçal Benkrizi [Benkrisi*] :
[Nouba Raml Maya et Hawzi] * Both nameforms appear on the cover and linernotes
ALCD 155 [ Tracklisting not yet supplied!]
Lakhal Belhaddad:
Improvisations Çanaa d'Alger (Solo quanûn)
ALCD 160 [ Tracklisting not yet supplied!]
Nassim El-Andalous:
(Hommage à Redouane Bensari) - Nouba hsin & Chants Hawzi -
ALCD 150 [ Tracklisting not yet supplied!]
Taoufik Bestandji:
Poémes d'Amour (traditions Constantine et d'Alger)
ALCD 159
Hamdi Benani:
Malouf de Annaba; Nouba Çika MoroccoInedit W 260017
Ensemble Gharnâtî de Rabat - direction Ahmad Pirou Maroc:
Musique Gharnâthî - Nûbâ Ramal (Selection)
Inedit W 260010
Orchestre al-Brihi de Fès direction : Haj Abdelkrim al-Raïs
Anthologie Al-Âla - vol. 1
Musique Andaluci-Marocaine - Nûbâ Gharîbat al-husayn - version intégrale
Inedit W 260014
OrchestreMoulay Ahmed Loukili de Rabat - direction : Haj Mohamed Toud
Anthologie Al-Âla - vol. 2
Musique Andaluci-Marocaine - Nûbâ al-'ushshâq- version intégrale
Inedit W 260024
Orchestre Conservatoire de Tétouan - direction : Mohammed Larbi Temsamani
Anthologie Al-Âla - vol. 3
Musique Andaluci-Marocaine - Nûbâ al-îsbihân 1-2- version intégrale
Inedit W 260027
Orchestre de Tanger - direction : Ahmed Zaytouni Sahraoui - Anthologie Al-Âla - vol. 4
Musique Andaluci-Marocaine - Nûbâ al-Ras, version intégraleInedit W 260028
Orchestre al-Brihi de Fès - direction : Haj Abdelkrim al-Raïs - Anthologie Al-Âla - vol. 5
Musique Andaluci-Marocaine - Nûbâ al-Îsthilâl - version intégrale
Inedit W 260029
Moulay Ahmed Loukili Orchestra, Rabat, direction : Haj Mohammed Toud
Anthologie Al-Âla - vol. 6
Musique Andaluci-Marocaine - Nûbâ Rasd al-Dihl 1-2 - version intégrale
Inedit W 260030
Anthologie Al-Âla - vol. 7
Musique Andaluci-Marocaine - Nûbâ 'Irâq al-'Ajamversion intégrale
Inedit W 260031
Orchestre al-Brihi de Fèz - direction : Haj Abdelkrim al-Raïs
Anthologie Al-Âla - vol. 8
Musique Andaluci-Marocaine - Nûbâ Al-Hijâz al-Kebîrversion intégrale
Inedit W 260032
Orchestre Conservatoire du Tétouan - direction : Mohamed Larbi Temsamani
Anthologie Al-Âla - vol. 9
Musique Andaluci-Marocaine - Nûbâ Ramal al-Mâyaversion intégrale
Inedit W 260033
Orchestre al-Brihi de Fèz - direction : Haj Abdelkrim al-Raïs
Anthologie Al-Âla - vol. 10
Musique Andaluci-Marocaine - Nûbâ Al-Hijâz al-Msharqîversion intégrale
Inedit W 260034
Orchestre de Tanger direction : Ahmed Zaytouni Sahraoui
Anthologie Al-Âla - vol. 11
Musique Andaluci-Marocaine - Nûbâ Al-Mayâ version intégrale
The following two numbers has previously been listed as forthcoming on the Inedit label but sofar has failed to materialize in my vicinity if they were ever released and I will receive any more detailed information it will be added to the items mentioned here below.
Inedit W 260035
Nûbâ 'Iraq al-'Ajam
Inedit W 260036
the last two Quddâm
Blue Silver 301-2
Abdelkrim Rais Hommage a Abdelkrim Rais -
Orchestre Al-Brihi de Fès sous la direction de Abdelkrim Rais
Ocora C 559035
Ustad Massano Tazi Maroc:
Musique Classique Andalouse de FesOcora C 559016
Hajj Abdelkrim Raïs & Orchestre de Fez Maroc:
Musique Classique Andalou-Maghrébine
Various recordings of music with elements of, based on, or influenced by arabo-andaluse music.
AAA 062
Varios North African Artists
La Musique Judeo-Arabe Vol. I - Algerie - Maroc
Inedit W 260016
Various Moroccan Artists Maroc:
Anthologie D'Al-Melhûn - Tradition de Fes, Meknes, Sale, Marakech
Tunisia AAA 054
Various Tunisian Artists
Le Malouf Tunisien
Inedit W 260044
Various Tunisian Artists
Malouf Tunisien - Nûba al-Dhîl
Inedit W 260045
Various Tunisian Artists
Malouf Tunisien - Nûba al-Ramal
Inedit W 260046
Various Tunisian Artists
Malouf Tunisien - Nûba al-Asbahân
Inedit W 260047
Various Tunisian Artists
Malouf Tunisien - Nûba al-Irâq
Inedit W 260059
Various Tunisian Artists
Malouf Tunisien - Nûba al-Sîka
Inedit W 260053
Lotfi Bouchnak
Malouf Tunisien
AAA 062
Various Judeo-Arabe Artists
Musique Judeo-Arabe Volume I : Morocco, Algeria
AAA 072
Various Judeo-Arabe Artists
Musique Judeo-Arabe Volume II : Tunisie
Hawzi AAA 041
Various Artists
Le Hawzi - Vol.1
AAA 061
Various Artists
Le Hawzi - Vol. 2 : Poemes de Ben M'Sayeb
AAA 071
Various Artists Le Hawzi -
Vol. III : Poemes des Bensahla
AAA 081
Various Artists
Le Hawzi - Vol. IV :
AAA 091
Various Artists Le Hawzi -
Vol. V : Sur des Poemes de Ben M'Sayeb
Modern Popular forms
Sonodisc MLPCD 1302 [cover not yet scanned!]
Reinette l'Oranaise & Mustapha Skandrani
Trésors de la Musique Arabo-Andalouse
Mélodie 79.101.2 [cover not yet scanned!]
Reinette l'Oranaise
Trésors de la Chanson Judéo-Arabe
Mélodie 79.102.2 [cover not yet scanned!]
Lili Boniche
Trésors de la Chanson Judéo-Arabe
Mélodie 79.103.2 [cover not yet scanned!]
Line Monty
Trésors de la Chanson Judéo-Arabe
Mélodie 79.104.2 [cover not yet scanned!]
Raoul Journo
Trésors de la Chanson Judéo-Arabe
Mélodie 79.105.2 [cover not yet scanned!]
Alice Fitoussi
Trésors de la Chanson Judéo-Arabe
Mélodie 79.106.2 [cover not yet scanned!]
Rene Perez
Trésors de la Chanson Judéo-Arabe
[Many more to be supplied]
Sometimes there are inconsistensies in ortography, nameformes are often transcribed in different ways (i.e. Piro, Pirou) and numbering is not carried out with consistancy (for instance vol I, vol 2, vol III in one series). I have taken the information as it is printed on the record, but for extra clarity, I have sometimes supplied a bit more than the often meagre information on the cover or the spine, when I have done so, I have put it within parenthesis (x)
The information is often skimpy and although the quality varies much, some labels like Ocora and Inedit are very generous with information as is Club du disque Arabe. * All the liner notes for the archive series of the Nahda recordings supplied by Frederic Lagrange are excellent! But in other instances where they sometimes have informative texts on the music, their discographic information is nonexistant or skimpy even to the point where they supply no information about who is playing, not to mention when and where.
Any information (like dates and location of recording and settings) pertaining to the music listed above is very welcome and any information, especially about music not listed above and not in this preliminary discography is most welcome indeed!
Please send e-mail to: disco "at" bolingo "dot" orgif you have any supplementary information or if you find errors in any of the above.
latest update 2006-06-09/LF
* AAA = Artistes Arabes Associés ( = Club du disque Arabe)