CE06 聽秋 Ting Qiu - Listening to Autumn
Recording information & credits
HOW TO LISTEN (to this naturally minimalistic recording)
• As an ambient record of a possible soundscape in nature.
Turn the volume down to resemble a barely audible distant sound of crickets surrounding your habitat.
• As a nature closeup adjust the knob to a slightly higher volume.
• As the cricket concerto that demands total awareness and attention, demanding all encompassing presence of the listener.
Turn the volume up to normal for any classical composition or free-jazz concert.
Margarita Solé cover & page 7
Jon Edergren back & page 2
Professor Emeritus Thomas J. Walker at University of Florida booklet cover
All text, pictures and artwork unless otherwise stated © Lars Fredriksson
Graphic Design by Jon Edergren/Electric Boogie together with Lars Fredriksson
Digipak front & back Old cricket box from Southern China, Shanghai region, 20th century. Part of the Lars Fredriksson collection of cricket cages.
Leaflet Oecanthus quadripunctatus singing from a hole in a leaf.
Below CD Chinese cashcoin from the Qing dynasty.
Published by Country & Eastern 2006, with financial support of the Swedish Cultural Council. P & C 2006.
唱片錄音簡介。好多年來我分了多種蟋蟀,跟幾千只蟋蟀生活在一起,同時錄了好幾百個小時的蟋蟀聲。這張唱片上 的音樂是最近兩年的大收穫。
從一百多小時質量較好的錄音里我選擇了最有特色的79分17秒。我用了一個仿人頭和 人耳效果的麥克風來錄音,全環境的聲音就象在你身邊縈繞。
欣賞這個唱片至少有兩種方法。調低音量聽讓你感覺仿佛置身大自然,用平常音量聽那就象洪亮的交響樂,宏偉的 大曲。
于崗,老劉(劉寶樹),老徐(徐中明),小不點兒 (陳崢昕),石志明,徐國强,郝学年,李健全,王培源,茹拍平,蘭玉春和他的三兒子蘭三兒(蘭陰棟),王學成,涂華金,王世襄,孟昭連,金杏寶,劉和寶,魏斯,杜克,鄭愛京,馮瑞聲,馮秋聲...
108 members of the Chinese Cricket Rosary Ensemble Zhuling, cizhuling, da huangling, xiao huangling, jinling, moling, tianling. Composed, conducted & recorded by Lars Fredriksson using microphones of a Sennheiser Kunstkopf with direct capture in 48 bits to the harddisk of a G5 Dual Processor Macintosh Computer at the Tingqiuxuan & Banruotang Tang Studios 2004–2006.
Produced by Lars Fredriksson of Bolingo Productions.
Executive producer Bengt Berger
Created at Bolingo Productions in Sweden, copyright Lars Fredriksson | Latest revision Saturday 7 October, 2006.